The Africa Journal of Management (AJOM) is devoted to the advancement of management theory, scholarship, practice, service, and education in or about Africa and for the benefit of Africa. The journal was launched at the 2014 Africa Academy of Management (AFAM) Conference in Gaborone, Botswana. Since its launch, AJOM has published 219 documents, including 146 research articles, 26 dialogues/insights/essays, 13 managers' stories, 13 editorials, and nine papers related to the AFAM. We employed a bibliometric analysis to provide a retrospective overview of the work published in the AJOM throughout these past years. We recognize the most cited papers, conduct a co-citation analysis, present author affiliations, keyword analysis, and a general discussion of the most recurrent topics published in the journal. We end with a synopsis of the future of AJOM and support for its continuous growth.