Quantum computing is a revolutionary concept among emerging technologies visioned by researchers. The interdisciplinary nature of quantum computing evolves as cross-pollination of ideas, techniques, and methodologies. Henceforth, a comprehensive analysis of the literature is conducted to insight the progression of quantum computing research. Our study unfurls the intellectual landscape of major research domains in quantum computing including fiducial quantum state initialization, quantum superposition, quantum coherence, fault-tolerence and quantum algorithms. It assesses the prominence of the field through co-citation network analysis and burst reference analysis to unveil research trends that can be interweaved for the realization of quantum computers. The research findings reveal that photons, squids, nuclear magnetic resonance, semiconductor quantum dots, cryogenic temperatures, quantum machine learning, and support vector machines are the core research areas. Further, a meta-literature analysis of the research domain is carried out to extract the evolutionary pathways for future research.