In this paper, we show that the radius of analyticity sigma(t) of solutions to the one-dimensional nonlinear Schr odinger (NLS) equationi partial derivative tu+partial derivative 2xu=|u|p-1u is bounded from below by c|t|-23 when p>3 and by c|t|-45 when p=3 as |t|->+infinity, given initial data that is analytic with fixed radius. This improves results obtained byTesfahun [On the radius of spatial analyticity for cubic nonlinear Schr odinger equations,J. Differential Equations263(11) (2017) 7496-7512] forp=3andAhnet al.[Onthe radius of spatial analyticity for defocusing nonlinear Schrodinger equations,Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.40(1) (2020) 423-439] for any odd integersp>3, where theyobtained a decay rate sigma(t)>= c|t|-1for largert. The proof of our main theorems is based on a modified Gevrey space introduced in [T. T. Dufera, S. Mebrate and A. Tesfahun, On the persistence of spatial analyticity for the beam equation,J. Math. Anal. Appl.509(2) (2022) 126001], the local smoothing effect, maximal function estimate of theSchr odinger propagator, a method of almost conservation law, Schr odinger admissibility and one-dimensional Sobolev embedding