In an effort to tackle climate change, various sectors, including the transport sector, are turning towards increased electrification. As a result, there has been a swift increase in the sales of electric vehicles (EVs) that use lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). When LIBs reach their end of life in EVs, it may still be possible to use them in other, less demanding applications, giving them a second life. This article describes a case study where the feasibility of a hypothetical business repurposing Tesla Model S/X batteries in the Ostrobothnia region, Finland, is investigated. A material-flow analysis is conducted to estimate the number of batteries becoming available for second-life applications from both the Ostrobothnia region and Finland up to 2035. The cost of repurposing batteries is evaluated for four different scenarios, with the batteries being processed either on the pack, module, or cell level. Three scenarios were found to be feasible, with repurposing costs of 27.2-38.3 EUR/kWh. The last scenario, in which all battery packs are disassembled at the cell level, was found not to be feasible due to the labor intensiveness of disassembly and testing at the cell level. This work gives indications of the potential for repurposing batteries in the Ostrobothnia region and Finland.