Detrital zircon geochronology and geochemistry have become the primary methods for reconstructing the Earth's tectonic and surficial processes over geologic time. The compilation and dissemination of detrital zircon data are essential to facilitate rapid, innovative, and reliable studies and to drive new research discoveries. To this end, we present EaDz, a new web-based, relational database for detrital zircons from East Asia, which includes geochronological, geochemical, petrological, and stratigraphic datasets. The EaDz currently contains 7083 rock samples representing 570,092 U-Pb ages, 77,394 Lu-Hf isotopes, 35,045 trace elements, and 1773 oxygen isotope data entries. Within the EaDz database, 71% of the samples are siliciclastic rocks, followed by 16% metasedimentary rocks, 6% modern sediments, and 7% other rocks. The database is intended to serve as a repository for new and existing detrital zircon data and a platform for the visualization and analysis of detrital zircon data. Through a publicly accessible interactive website, EaDz allows simultaneous data retrieval, analysis, and visualization in the cloud. Additionally, EaDz provides a means for combining the detrital zircon data with global plate reconstruction models -thus providing deep-time dynamic reconstructions of detrital palaeolocations. As such, the EaDz provides a powerful resource for applications in paleogeography reconstruction, plate tectonic reconstruction, and crustal-mantle evolution. The database will continue to be developed and improved. We encourage users to collaborate on data compilation by submitting data through the website or contacting corresponding authors directly after their data is published.