Objectives: To explore how mental health simulation has been used in the context of pharmacy practice and education, specifically what types of simulation techniques have been used, and which mental health-related content has been simulated.Findings: A literature search retrieved 449 reports, from which 26 articles pertaining to 23 studies were eligible for inclusion. Most studies were conducted in Australia. The most common type of simulation utilized was live simulated/standardized patient, followed by pre-recorded scenarios, role-play, and auditory simulation. While many study interventions included content relating to multiple mental illnesses and included activities other than simulation, the most simulated mental health content was enacting a person living with depression (with or without suicidal thoughts), mental health communication, followed by stress-induced insomnia, then hallucinations. Key outcomes from included studies were significantly improved student outcomes such as mental health knowledge, attitudes, social distance, and empathy scores, as well as highlighting the potential to further improve the mental healthcare skills of community pharmacists.Summary: This review demonstrates a varied use of techniques to simulate mental health in pharmacy practice and education. Future research is suggested to consider other simulation methods such as virtual reality and computer simulation, and to investigate how lesser-simulated mental health content such as psychosis could be incorporated. It is also recommended that future research provides greater detail on the development of the simulated content, such as involving people with lived experience of mental illness and mental health stakeholders in the development process to improve the authenticity of simulation training.