In livestock houses, particulate matter (PM) is a critical factor not only for disease and odor spread but also for the work environment. In particular, workers are exposed to high concentrations of organic particulate matter and harmful gases while performing their tasks, and, as they age, they become more vulnerable to respiratory diseases. This study analyzed the PM concentrations in commercial broiler houses, focusing on the differences in ventilation rates according to the season and the type of work, categorized into a static work period (SWP) and dynamic work period (DWP). In the regional monitoring using gravimetric methods, the average PM concentrations were found to be within acceptable limits, with TSP at 1042 mu g/m3, PM-10 at 718 mu g/m3, and PM-2.5 at 137 mu g/m3. These values did not exceed the recommended exposure limits for inhalable dust at 2400 mu g/m3 and respirable dust at 160 mu g/m3 in chicken farmers. However, in the personal monitoring using a real-time aerosol spectrometer, it was revealed that the aerosol concentrations during DWP exceeded the standards by up to 214%. Specifically, during DWP, the concentrations were 1.74 times higher for TSP, 1.40 times higher for PM-10, and 1.22 times higher for PM-2.5 compared to SWP. It was observed that during the movement of workers, the physical generation of particles around 10 mu m, such as feed and bedding, occurred due to the movement of chickens, which influenced the aerosol concentration.