Cytoskeletal proteins not only define the shape of cells, but also have critical roles in their proliferation, migration and motility, as well as in the establishment and maintenance of tissue organization and integrity. Furthermore, these proteins influence the physiological processes of the male reproductive system and are found in the structure of some cells. This study aimed to determine differences between the pre-and post-pubertal periods for the localization and distribution of actin, desmin, vimentin and cytokeratin-18 in the testes, epididymides and ductus deferentes of Persian and Turkish Angora and Van cats, using immunohistochemistry. The study material was grouped as belonging to the pre-pubertal and post-pubertal periods. The tissue samples of both groups were subjected to routine histological pro-cessing and embedded in paraffin. Serial sections cut from the paraffin-embedded tissue blocks were immunohistochemically stained with the indirect streptavidin-biotin complex method. Immunohisto-chemical findings demonstrated that there was no difference between the pre-and post-pubertal pe-riods for the staining intensity and distribution of the proteins actin, vimentin, desmin and cytokeratin-18 in Persian and Turkish Angora and Van cats. On the other hand, differences were detected between the pre-and post-pubertal periods for the cellular expression and localization of these proteins in the testes, epididymides and ductus deferentes. Thus, the study results suggest that, based on the expression of actin, desmin, vimentin and cytokeratin-18 in the testes, epididymides and ductus deferentes during both periods, these molecular factors could have a contributory role in the development of the male reproductive system and the regulation of its physiological processes.(c) 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.