In the digital age, traditional advertising channels are insufficient to reach the masses, and the digital dimensions of advertising are gaining importance day by day. The main motivation of this study is the thought that there is a significant difference in attitudes towards digital advertisements between those born into technology - digital natives - and those who later adapted to technology - digital immigrants - led to the emergence of this study. In this context, the aim of the study is to reveal the attitudes toward digital advertising from the perspective of consumers, who are members of both generations. Within the scope of the study, 412 usable questionnaires were obtained, and analyses were carried out on this number in the study. The data were analyzed using the SPSS 21 Windows package program and the Lisrel package program. In the analyses, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were performed. In addition to the literature reviews conducted within the scope of the research, as a result of the exploratory factor analysis of the developed measurement tool, "Positive judgments", "negative judgments", "mobile advertisements", "viral advertisements", "interactive advertisements" with 5 factors and "Digital Advertisements" consisting of 23 expressions in total. Related Attitudes (DRITT)" scale was created. The findings showed that the 23 -item DRITT scale is a valid and reliable scale (Cronbach's Alpha value is 0.89).