The main objective of this study is to investigate the impact of Feminist Action Research (FAR) on the transformative capacity of feminist organizational change processes or the construction of more livable organizations. Two cases of feminist organizational change within the Alternative and Solidarity Economy Network are meticulously examined, located in Pais Valencia and Euskadi. The research focuses on analyzing the methodology applied in these processes, utilizing a qualitative approach that involves conducting 18 semistructured interviews to deepen the analysis. The application of participatory approaches and feminist pedagogies underscores the critical importance of having external facilitation to the organization and adopting a process -oriented perspective. The design of a process that integrates participatory workshops and collective work sessions, utilizing various techniques (drawing, music, the body...), represents a departure from traditional dynamics, even within the realm of Participatory Action Research, generating significant impacts at both personal and collective levels. The collective vision goes beyond the exclusive participation of committed feminists, aiming for a structural and shared transformation of issues. These changes are primarily driven by the feminist perspective of research, grounded in active participation, the recognition of subjectivities, the orientation of the process toward social change, and the commitment to situated knowledge.