The definition of acute and chronic antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) nephropathy was recently updated using a multiphase methodology in the context of the development of the new APS classification criteria. Currently, there is no consensus for the treatment of APS nephropathy, which mainly relies on the general recommendations for the management of APS. Based on evidence from experimental studies and a few clinical studies and case series, targeted treatments such as B-cell depletion, anti-B-cell activating factor antibody, complement inhibition, mammalian target of rapamycin inhibition, and neutrophil extracellular traps or interferon targeting may show promise for the treatment of microvascular manifestations in APS, including APS nephropathy. Validation of the new APS nephropathy definition and/or efforts for improvement in proposed terminology, along with the assessment of the safety and efficacy of potential targeted treatments in randomized controlled trials, are major future research directions. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge of APS nephropathy and discuss unanswered questions.