Dongping Lake is one of the most important regulation and storage lakes along the eastern route of the South-toNorth Water Diversion Project in China, the water quality condition of which directly influences the safety of water diverting, because it serves as a Yangtze River water redistribution control point. However, the changes in algae, and in environmental factors affecting their community structures, before and after the water diversion project are rarely reported. In this study, the temporal variations of phytoplankton abundance were examined based on monthly samples collected at three stations from May 2010 to April 2022. The total abundance of algae greatly decreased after the water diversion project was implemented, with a relatively stable biodiversity and evenness before and after the water translocation. Multiple statistical methods were used together with the water quality indices (WQIs) and the nutrient status index (TSIM) to evaluate overall water condition and analyse relationships among environmental factors. The WQIs demonstrated a general "Good" water quality with a seasonal differentiation, and that water conditions during water transfer periods were better than during nonwater transfer periods, which may be ascribed to the improved hydraulic conditions and purified water environment during water transfer periods. Redundancy analysis showed that water temperature, ammonia nitrogen, water transparency, and total phosphorus were the most important environmental factors, with relatively decreased contribution rates towards phytoplankton communities after the water translocation. Importantly, some dominant phytoplankton genera of Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyceae, and Cyanophyceae were similarly affected by water transparency, and nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients in summer after the water translocation. These research findings helped us gain a comprehensive understanding of the changing patterns of water quality and microalgae and their relationships before and after the water diversion project, providing a guidance for future lake management in regulating hydraulic conditions and improving water quality of Dongping Lake.