Just-In-Time Adaptive Interventions (JITAIs) are emerging "push" mHealth interventions that provide the right type, timing, and amount of support to address the dynamically-changing needs for each individual. Although JITAIs are well-suited to the delivery of interventions for the addictions, few are available to support gambling behaviour change. We therefore developed GamblingLess: In-The-Moment and Gambling Habit Hacker, two smartphone-delivered JITAIs that differ with respect to their target populations, theoretical underpinnings, and decision rules. We aim to describe the decisions, methods, and tools we used to design these two treatments, with a view to providing guidance to addiction researchers who wish to develop JITAIs in the future. Specifically, we describe how we applied a comprehensive, organising scientific framework to define the problem, define just-in-time in the context of the identified problem, and formulate the adaptation strategies. While JITAIs appear to be a promising design in addiction intervention science, we describe several key challenges that arose during development, particularly in relation to applying micro-randomised trials to their evaluation, and offer recommendations for future research. Issues including evaluation considerations, integrating on-demand intervention content, intervention optimisation, combining active and passive assessments, incorporating human facilitation, adding cost-effectiveness evaluations, and redevelopment as transdiagnostic interventions are discussed.