Objective: In recent years, as the modern economy rapidly advances, and urbanization continues to flourish, Anhui Province has emerged as a significant hub for Wushu, boasting a rich historical tradition in this martial art form. However, despite this heritage, Wushu often remains associated with traditional sports, and the growth of the Wushu cultural industry has not been as robust as desired. This paper seeks to harness the potential of the Internet of Things (IoT) and capitalize on the burgeoning trends within the cultural industry to foster the development of Chinese Wushu. The primary objective of this study is to explore strategies for advancing the Wushu cultural industry in Anhui Province, leveraging IoT technology. To achieve this goal, we employ a novel approach, combining SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat) analysis with Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), providing a quantitative assessment of the region's Wushu cultural industry development. This approach minimizes subjective bias and offers a sound theoretical foundation for industrial progress. Our research yields promising results, as we effectively integrate Wushu, culture, and tourism. This not only facilitates the dissemination and popularization of Wushu culture but also enhances the appeal of local tourism resources. Notably, the fifth World Wushu Championship experienced sustained popularity, and in 2014, Anhui Province success-fully hosted the sixth edition of the event in Jiuhuashan, yielding a significant income of 170 million yuan. The development of the Wushu cultural industry in Anhui Province has exhibited positive growth trends and garnered considerable attention. This study underscores the importance of embracing IoT technology and aligning with broader cultural industry trends to nurture the development of Chinese Wushu. The implications of our research extend to the realms of tourism, culture, and sports, offering valuable insights into leveraging technology for the advancement of traditional practices. This study represents a novel exploration of the intersection between Wushu and IoT technology, with the potential to inform and inspire further research in this evolving field.