Artificial sweeteners (ASs) are emerging contaminants in the environment, primarily derived from wastewater treat-ment plant (WWTP) effluents. In this study, the influents and effluents of three WWTPs in the Dalian urban area, China, were analyzed for the distribution of 8 typical ASs to investigate their seasonal fluctuations in the WWTPs. The results showed that acesulfame (ACE), sucralose (SUC), cyclamate (CYC), and saccharin (SAC) were both detected in the influent and effluent water samples of WWTPs, with concentrations ranging from not detected (ND) to 14.02 & mu;g & BULL;L-1. In addition, SUC was the most abundant ASs type, accounting for 40 %-49 % and 78 %-96 % of the total ASs in the influent and effluent water, respectively. The WWTPs revealed high removal efficiencies of CYC, SAC, and ACE, while the SUC removal efficiency was poor (26 % & PLUSMN; 36 %). The ACE and SUC concentrations were higher in spring and summer, and all ASs showed lower levels in winter, which may be caused by the high consump-tion of ice-cream in warmer months. The per capita ASs loads in the WWTPs were determined in this study based on the wastewater analysis results. The calculated per capita daily mas loads for individual ASs ranged from 0.45 g & BULL;d-1 & BULL;1000p-1 (ACE) to 2.04 g & BULL;d-1 & BULL;1000p-1 (SUC). In addition, the relationship between per capita ASs con-sumption and socioeconomic status showed no significant correlation.