This study aims to determine the effect of job rotation, organizational citizenship behavior, and physical work environment on employee performance at Level III Hospital Brawijaya Surabaya. The population in this study were all employees of Level III Hospital Brawijaya Surabaya. The sampling method used in this study is non-probability sampling with the technique used is purposive sampling. The method of data collection was done by distributing questionnaires to the employees of the Hospital, totaling 280 employees. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the variables of job rotation, organizational citizenship behavior, and physical work environment have a positive and significant effect on employee performance at the hospital. The implications of this research are suggested to the hospital to be able to more often implement a work rotation system for employees in a coordinated or routine manner both in quantity and a predetermined period of time so that employees can develop more, avoid feeling bored/saturated when working and have the opportunity to increase rank. In addition, pay attention to the problem of lighting in the workplace, because unclear lighting can cause tired eyes, headaches, and work fatigue due to stress so that good lighting can help employees to be more enthusiastic when working, be more productive, and focus on doing work. The hospital also builds a pleasant working atmosphere by frequently communicating among co-workers, because good communication between co-workers or with leaders will help minimize conflicts in the organization so that a conducive atmosphere in the organization, mutual respect and helping colleagues work when facing difficulties can be achieved