Objective: The present research addresses the topic of the current characterization of the level of mastery, acquisition and management of digital skills in teachers of the Unified General Baccalaureate (BGU) of the "Luis Fernando Ruiz Educational Unit" of the city of Latacunga, Ecuador , to encourage the proper use and management of new technologies and their applicability in the teaching-learning process. Design/Methodology/Approach: A methodology with a quantitative approach was proposed based on a descriptive-explanatory research scope. The sample was made up of twelve teachers, who represent all the BGU teachers in the institution, and 40 students who make up the entire student population in the same way. As a starting point, a diagnosis was carried out on students and teachers to characterize the current situation regarding the use of technological resources, mastery of digital skills and perception regarding the need to strengthen their skills in the management of ICT. Evaluating the level of digital competencies in teachers for future decision-making is the main objective of this study. Results/Discussion: The results showed the level of digital competency that each of the teachers possess and the training requirements they present. It was confirmed that a process of change is taking place in educational entities where traditional methods still coexist with the gradual incorporation of innovative and technological resources. The numerous coincidences of the results found are evident, with various investigations where the limiting factors for the formation of competencies in teachers are considered. Conclusions: The positive attitude towards the educational use of ICT, the openness to change, to accept new proposals with a positive learning attitude, both of students and teachers, constitutes a positive starting point for the integration of new innovations according to the needs. training of students in the current times. Originality/Value: Research is significantly important for the institution and for teachers, to the extent that the new paradigms of education require greater competitiveness in teachers, who can efficiently master ICT, computing, the use of the Internet and that incorporate this knowledge into the classroom environment to achieve significant learning in students, greater motivation and interest in learning.