The profitability of maize cultivation depends on the production yield of this crop. This paper presents the analysis of the yield and profitability of maize cultivation in three crop farms of different sizes in Romania. From the analysis carried out, a number of results are obtained, which lead to the conclusion that in order to reach the profitability threshold, the production in the 60 ha farm would have to be at least 133.26 tons of maize in 2019, at least 85.83 tons of maize in 2020, and at least 165.56 tons of maize in 2021; in the 600 ha farm, the production in 2019 would have to be at least 2.350.23 tons of maize in 2019, 2,198.44 tons of maize in 2020, and 3,172.33 tons of maize in 2021; and in the 3,000 ha farm, the production should have been at least 4,157.75 tons of maize in 2019, 4,424.70 tons of maize in 2020, and 6,284.46 tons of maize in 2021. These productions were made only by the farm of 3,000 ha, which had a constant profitability of the maize crop, exceeding the profitability threshold every year, as follows: in 2019 with 2,216.85 tons of maize, in 2020 with 2,738.60 tons of maize and in 2021 with 3,887.34 tons. On farms of 60 ha and 600 ha, the profitability threshold could not be reached, in most cases, the major causes being of agropedoclimatic and economic nature. The conclusion of the analysis carried out was that, in order to have a constant profitability of the maize crop, it is necessary to counteract the drought by introducing irrigation to this crop, reducing production expenses and increasing the value of subsidies, so that the gross product highlights the profitability of the maize crop.