Objectives: An abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a potentially life-threatening condition, the management of which has dramatically evolved over the past 2 decades with an increasing tendency toward endovascular repair (EVAR) rather than open surgical repair. Classically, contrast-enhanced multislice computed tomography (CT) angiography (CTA) is performed preoperatively for procedure sizing and EVAR planning. This entails voluminous contrast injection with risk of allergic reaction, nephropathy, and radiation exposure. Intra-vascular ultrasound (IVUS) has been increasingly used to guide EVAR procedures intraoperatively. The aim of this study is to investigate the accuracy of IVUS in sizing AAAs, device selection, and EVAR planning compared to the gold standard CTA. Design: This is a prospective observational study enrolling 10 patients who underwent standard infrarenal EVAR procedures performed for unruptured infrarenal AAAs over the course of 1 year. All patients had a preoperative CTA done upon which aneurysm sizing and device planning were performed, and the measurements obtained were compared to those obtained from intraoperative IVUS. Methods: All participating patients had unruptured infrarenal AAA, had no renal impairment, and had anatomical suitability for EVAR according to the instructions for use (IFU) of the device manufacturer. Primary endpoint was comparing anatomical measurements recorded by IVUS with those obtained from the preoperative CTA. Results: Mean age was 65.6 (+/- 6.19), all patients were males and hypertensives and 4 (40%) had a positive family history for AAA. On comparing mean measurements taken by CTA and IVUS, there was no statistically significant differences with exception of maximal aortic diameter and aortic diameter at site of bifurcation (both p-values <.001). There were no statistically significant differences in length measurements between the 2 imaging modalities. Computed tomography angiography was more associated with neck thrombus detection, and IVUS was more associated with calcification detection. Conclusion: Although CT angiography is still the gold standard imaging modality for AAA, IVUS use is very beneficial in EVAR sizing and planning, in addition to intra-operative guidance of the procedure, saving the patient significant time, contrast administration, and radiation exposure, especially in patients with renal impairment and contrast allergy. Clinical Impact A preoperative CT angiogram is the gold standard required investigation for planning and sizing EVARs, with subsequent contrast injection entailing a risk of contrast induced nephropathy and allergic reactions. IVUS has been used as an adjuvant technique to guide EVAR stent graft deployment. However, our study concluded that it can also be reliably used in sizing and planning of the EVAR stent graft along with complementary non contrast imaging, especially in patients with high risk for contrast induced nephropathy and contrast allergy.