Violence especially the domestic violence against women is recognized as a global phenomenon. Globally one in three women experiences violence from their partners. To know the causes of this domestic violence against women researchers selected the 600 women -300 from rural population and 300 from urban population using stratified random sampling technique. Domestic Violence scale (Nagar, Khokhar and Miya, 2017), Aggression Inventory (Sultania, 2005) and Religiosity Scale (Bhushan, 2006) were used to measure domestic violence, aggression and religiosity of the subjects respectively. Linear regression analysis showed that level of education, working status, residential locale and level of aggression significantly predict the domestic violence against women. Religiosity did not emerge a significant predictor of domestic violence. Illiterate, non-working i. e house wives, urban living and women with higher aggression experienced higher domestic violence in comparison to literate, working, rural living and with low aggression women.