This study conducts a randomised control trial to offer a technical workshop and examine whether providing information about the full range of services on the mobile money platform would increase mobile money usage, by taking a case of the Ashanti Region, Ghana. We find a significant positive impact of mobile money education on the recent usage of mobile money for transactions. However, no significant evidence of the workshop was found on new mobile money account ownership, or on the share of transactions transmitted through mobile money. Furthermore, weak and volatile outcomes were observed as impacts on remittances after the interventions. We discuss potential reasons behind the weak effects found.
Washington State Univ, Sch Econ Sci, 203F,Hulbert Hall, Pullman, WA 99164 USA
NBER, 203F,Hulbert Hall, Pullman, WA USASveriges Lantbruksuniv SLU, Dept Clin Sci, Ulls Vag 26, Uppsala, Sweden