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Immunogenicity of the 13-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugated Vaccine Followed by the 23-Valent Polysaccharide Vaccine in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Haggenburg, Sabine
Garrido, Hannah M. Garcia
Kant, Iris M. J.
van der Straaten, Hanneke M.
De Boer, Fransien
Kersting, Sabina
Issa, Djamila
Te Raa, Doreen
Visser, Hein P. J.
Kater, Arnon P.
Goorhuis, Abraham
De Heer, Koen
[1] Univ Amsterdam, Canc Ctr Amsterdam, Lymphoma & Myeloma Ctr Amsterdam, Dept Hematol,Amsterdam UMC, NL-1105 AZ Amsterdam, Netherlands
[2] Univ Amsterdam, Amsterdam Inst Infect & Immun, Amsterdam UMC, NL-1105 AZ Amsterdam, Netherlands
[3] Univ Amsterdam, Ctr Trop Med & Travel Med, Dept Infect Dis, Amsterdam UMC, NL-1105 AZ Amsterdam, Netherlands
[4] St Jansdal Ziekenhuis, Dept Internal Med, NL-3844 DG Harderwijk, Netherlands
[5] Ikazia Ziekenhuis, Dept Internal Med, NL-3083 AN Rotterdam, Netherlands
[6] HagaZiekenhuis, Dept Hematol, NL-2545 AA The Hague, Netherlands
[7] Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis, Dept Internal Med, NL-5223 GZ sHertogenbosch, Netherlands
[8] Ziekenhuis Gelderse Vallei, Dept Internal Med, NL-6716 RP Ede, Netherlands
[9] Dept Internal Med, Noordwest Ziekenhuisgroep, NL-1815 JD Alkmaar, Netherlands
[10] Flevoziekenhuis, Dept Internal Med, NL-1315 RA Almere, Netherlands
chronic lymphocytic leukemia;
pneumococcal vaccination;
antibody response;
D O I:
R392 [医学免疫学];
Q939.91 [免疫学];
100102 ;
Patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) have a 29- to 36-fold increased risk of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) compared to healthy adults. Therefore, most guidelines recommend vaccination with the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugated vaccine (PCV13) followed 2 months later by the 23-valent polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV23). Because both CLL as well as immunosuppressive treatment have been identified as major determinants of immunogenicity, we aimed to assess the vaccination schedule in untreated and treated CLL patients. We quantified pneumococcal IgG concentrations against five serotypes shared across both vaccines, and against four serotypes unique to PPSV23, before and eight weeks after vaccination. In this retrospective cohort study, we included 143 CLL patients, either treated (n = 38) or naive to treatment (n = 105). While antibody concentrations increased significantly after vaccination, the overall serologic response was low (10.5%), defined as a & GE;4-fold antibody increase against & GE;70% of the measured serotypes, and significantly influenced by treatment status and prior lymphocyte number. The serologic protection rate, defined as an antibody concentration of & GE;1.3 & mu;g/mL for & GE;70% of serotypes, was 13% in untreated and 3% in treated CLL patients. Future research should focus on vaccine regimens with a higher immunogenic potential, such as multi-dose schedules with higher-valent T cell dependent conjugated vaccines.