While commentators have long decried managerial short-termism, the deleterious effects of managerial short-termism on corporate social performance (CSP), and how to ameliorate those negative effects, remain underexplored. Specifically, due to the difficulty of unobtrusively measuring what is fundamentally a cognition in managers, empirical evidence at the organizational level of managerial short-termism's effect on CSP is relatively sparse. Here, we measure managerial short-termism by content analyzing firms' publicly filed annual reports (10-Ks). Using a combined dataset for 1,665 U.S. firms for the period 2000-2012, we show that managerial short-termism is negatively associated with CSP. However, we also show that this effect can be reduced through increased external monitoring by important stakeholders who value CSP. Specifically, we show that increasing dedicated institutional ownership and increasing analyst coverage both decrease the negative effect of managerial short-termism on CSP. We contribute to theory by predicting and showing the negative effect of managerial short-termism on CSP, and how external monitoring can reduce its deleterious effects. We contribute to practice by showing how this managerial cognition can be identified, and how its negative effects can be ameliorated, at the organizational level.