In this paper, we present the results of grain growth simulations in three-dimensions using an existing level set method. Most of the previous grain growth studies have been either isotropic or, if they are not isotropic, consider simplified models of anisotropy. We perform these simulations using three different grain boundary (GB) energy functions (a realistic 5D GB energy function, a Read-Shockley energy model that depends only on disorientation angle, and an isotropic GB energy model). We compare the results in terms of several statistical microstructural descriptors (crystallographic texture, GB character distribution, triple junction distribution (TJD), etc.). In addition to considering different energy models, we also compare the evolution of microstructures that have different initial crystallographic textures (fiber texture and random texture). We find that the morphological evolution of individual grains can be completely different depending on the GB energy function employed. However, we also find that certain spatially independent microstructural statistics (e.g. orientation distribution function, misorientation distribution function, and TJD) are similar at steady state for all of the tested GB energy functions.