Chromolaena odorata (L.) R.M. King & H. Robinson is native to tropical America, and has naturalized in many other countries in tropical Asia, Austria, and West Africa. The species often forms dense thickets and reduces the native species diversity and population in the invasive ranges. The species is also considered as a noxious weed in agriculture fields, and listed in the 100 of the world's worst invasive alien species. The characteristics of its life-history such as the seed production rate, growth pattern, and adaptative ability to the environmental conditions may contribute to the invasiveness of the species. Possible evidence of the defense capacity against the natural enemy, and the allelopathic potential against the competitive plant species for C. odorata has been accumulated in the literature over three decades. The extracts, residues, and/or rhizosphere soil of C. odorata increased the mortality of various insects and parasitic nematodes, and decreased their population. The extracts, residues, and/or rhizosphere soil of C. odorata also inhibited the germination and growth of several plant species including the indigenous plant species in the invasive ranges of C. odorata. Toxic substances, pyrrolizidine alkaloids were found in the leaves and flowers of C. odorata. These pyrrolizidine alkaloids may work as the defense agents against the natural enemies. Several potential allelochemicals such as flavonoids, phenolic acids, and terpenoids were also found in the plant extracts of C. odorata. Some of these compounds may work as allelopathic agents of C. odorata and inhibit the germination and growth of the competitive plant species. These characteristics of C. odorata for the defense function against their natural enemies such as insects and parasitic nematodes, and allelopathic potential against the competitive native plant species may contribute to the invasiveness and naturalization of C. odorata in the new habitats as invasive plant species. However, it is necessary to determine the concentration of these allelochemicals in the neighboring environment of C. odorata such as the rhizosphere soil since allelochemicals are able to work only when they are released into the neighboring environment. It is the first review article focusing on the defense function and allelopathy of C. odorata.