In the limit equilibrium framework, two- and three-dimensional slope stabilities can be solved according to the overall force and moment equilibrium conditions of a sliding body. In this work, based on Mohr-Coulomb(M-C) strength criterion and the initial normal stress without considering the inter-slice(or inter-column) forces, the normal and shear stresses on the slip surface are assumed using some dimensionless variables, and these variables have the same numbers with the force and moment equilibrium equations of a sliding body to establish easily the linear equation groups for solving them. After these variables are determined, the normal stresses, shear stresses, and slope safety factor are also obtained using the stresses assumptions and M-C strength criterion. In the case of a three-dimensional slope stability analysis, three calculation methods, namely, a non-strict method, quasi-strict method, and strict method, can be obtained by satisfying different force and moment equilibrium conditions. Results of the comparison in the classic two- and three-dimensional slope examples show that the slope safety factors calculated using the current method and the other limit equilibrium methods are approximately equal to each other, indicating the feasibility of the current method; further, the following conclusions are obtained: 1) The current method better amends the initial normal and shear stresses acting on the slip surface, and has the identical results with using simplified Bishop method, Spencer method, and Morgenstern-Price(M-P) method; however, the stress curve of the current method is smoother than that obtained using the three abovementioned methods. 2) The current method is suitable for analyzing the two- and three-dimensional slope stability. 3) In the three-dimensional asymmetric sliding body, the non-strict method yields safer solutions, and the results of the quasi-strict method are relatively reasonable and close to those of the strict method, indicating that the quasi-strict method can be used to obtain a reliable slope safety factor.