The three most crucial factors for the formation of large and super-large magmatic sulfide deposits are:(1) a large volume of mantle-derived mafic-ultramafic magmas that participated in the formation of the deposits;(2) fractional crystallization and crustal contamination,particularly the input of sulfur from crustal rocks,resulting in sulfide immiscibility and segregation;and(3) the timing of sulfide concentration in the intrusion.The super-large magmatic Ni-Cu sulfide deposits around the world have been found in small mafic-ultramafic intrusions,except for the Sudbury deposit.Studies in the past decade indicated that the intrusions hosting large and super-large magmatic sulfide deposits occur in magma conduits,such as those in China,including Jinchuan(Gansu),Yangliuping(Sichuan),Kalatongke (Xinjiang),and Hongqiling(Jilin).Magma conduits as open magma systems provide a perfect environment for extensive concentration of immiscible sulfide melts,which have been found to occur along deep regional faults.The origin of many mantle-derived magmas is closely associated with mantle plumes, intracontinental rifts,or post-collisional extension.Although it has been confirmed that sulfide immiscibility results from crustal contamination,grades of sulfide ores are also related to the nature of the parental magmas,the ratio between silicate magma and immiscible sulfide melt,the reaction between the sulfide melts and newly injected silicate magmas,and fractionation of the sulfide melt.The field relationships of the ore-bearing intrusion and the sulfide ore body are controlled by the geological features of the wall rocks.In this paper,we attempt to demonstrate the general characteristics,formation mechanism. tectonic settings,and indicators of magmatic sulfide deposits occurring in magmatic conduits which would provide guidelines for further exploration.