Yes We Can China-U.S.Relations in the Past and into the Future;
D O I:
D822.3 [与各国政府的关系];
030207 ;
CHINA-U.S. relations have gone through a number of twists and turns over the last 40 years to arrive where they are today. A good metaphor for these relations is a powerful river. In spite of the submerged obstacles of trade disputes,human rights differences,military suspicions and the Taiwan issue poking up above the surface every now and then to stymie the flow of the river and create eddies,the torrent’s flow is unaffected on its course.
NCAFP, Raleigh, NC 27607 USA
Forum Asia Pacific Security, Raleigh, NC USA
Natl Secur Council, Washington, DC USA
Bur East Asian & Pacific Affairs State Dept, Washington, DC USA
RAND Corp, Santa Monica, CA 90406 USA
Hunter Coll, US Foreign Policy & Int Relat East Asia, New York, NY USANCAFP, Raleigh, NC 27607 USA