Situated at the east gate of the world-renowned Tsinghua University, Tsinghua Science Park is enjoying an increase in international attention. As a home to many of China’s most promising companies, the park’s reputation has even begun to rival that of the university’s. It consists of three major parts: Carve-Out Park, Carve-Out Park for returned exchange students, and Major Park. Sanctioned by the Ministry of Education and sponsored by Tsinghua University, Tsinghua Science Park hosts China’s international high-tech giant enterprises and facilitates scientific and technological productivity. Now, in the 690,000 sq. meter land, nearly 200 companies with independent high-end core technologies are finding room to grow. In early August, China’s Foreign Trade interviewed Mr. Mei Meng, board chairman of Tsinghua Science Park. Mei said, "Among our 200 companies, if only one succeeds, all our work will have proved worthwhile." By Editor