Cooperation Is Integral to the Sino-U.S;
Economic Relationship;
D O I:
F125.5 [对各国经济关系];
0201 ;
020105 ;
THE strong economic connections between China and the U.S. are understandably at the core of bilateral ties. Developments in the two countries’ economic relationship are keenly watched by the rest of the world. In this context, the recent visit to the U.S. by Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping, not long before the 18th CPC National Congress (to be held in the latter half of this year)
Univ Southern Calif, Humanities, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA
Univ Southern Calif, English Amer Studies & Ethn & Comparat Literature, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA
Univ Southern Calif, Dept Amer Studies & Ethn, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USAUniv Southern Calif, Humanities, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA
the Enterprise Research Institute under the Development Research Center of the State Councilthe Enterprise Research Institute under the Development Research Center of the State Council