In the Internet or cloud computing environments, service providers provide more and more content services. Users can use these convenient content services in daily life. The major data of the user are maintained by the service providers except that some personal privacy data are stored at the client device. An attacker may try to invade the systems, and it will cause the damage of users and service providers. Also, users may lose their mobile devices and then it may cause the data disclosure problem. As a result, the data and privacy protection of users become an important issue in these environments. Besides, since many mobile devices are used in these environments, secure authentication and data protection methods must be efficient in these low resource environments. In this paper, we propose an efficient and privacy protection digital rights management(DRM)scheme that users can verify the valid service servers and the service servers can ensure the legal users. Since the key delegation center of the third party has the robust security protection, our proposed scheme stores the encrypted secret keys in the key delegation center. This approach not only can reduce the storage space of the user devices, but also can recover the encrypted secret keys in the key delegation center when a user loses her/his devices for solving the device losing problem.