共 10 条
- [1] Appellate Body Report,US—Gambling. WT/DS285/AB/R .
- [2] Appellate Body Report,China—Publicationsand Audiovisual Products. WT/DS363/AB/R .
- [3] A Global Reality:Governmental Access to Data in the Cloud. Maxwell,Winston,Christopher Wolf. .
- [5] Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products. Report of Appellate Body. WT/DS58/AB/R .
- [6] Digital globalization:The new era of global flows. James Manyika,Susan Lund,Jacques Bughin,etal. https://www.mck-insey.com/-/media/Mc Kinsey/Business%20Functions/Mc Kinsey%20Digital/Our%20Insights/Digital%20glo-balization%20The%20new%20era%20of%20global%20flows/MGI-Digital-globalization-Full-report.ashx . 2016
- [7] The Problem of Transnational DataFlows. J.M.Carroll. Policy Issues in Data Protection and Privacy,Proceedings of the OECD Seminar . 1974
- [8] Data nationalism. Chander,Anupam,Uyên P.Lê. http://law.emory.edu/elj/content/volume-64/issue-3/articles/data-nationalism.html#section-c94d487f630c 275b466ee7e3d3dc7114 . 2014
- [9] European Council progress report. http://data.consilium.europa.eu/doc/document/ST-9324-2017-INIT/en/pdf . 2017
- [10] Appellate Body Report,US—Tuna II (Mexico). WT/DS381/AB/R .