Taking Ansai County located in loess hilly and gully area as a case,this study analyzes the land use changes driven by the SLCP(Slope Land Conversion Program)and the farmers’responses by household survey and participatory rapid appraisal(PRA).It is found that the SLCP aroused various changes in land use,agricultural production,rural incomes,etc.In the period of 1999-2005,the farmland and grasslands were reduced by 26,809 ha and 17,571 ha respectively,while forestland increased by 38,203 ha;greenhouse vegetable and orchard got a quick development,with the area enlarged by about 7 times and nearly doubled respectively.The SLCP reduced the area of crops particularly those that normally grown on slope lands,e.g.the sowing area of winter wheat dropped from 19.39% of the total cropping area in 1999 to 0.98%in 2005.Draught animals,pigs and sheep have a decline in the number because the remained land and the ban on grazing on natural grasslands can not provide sufficient feed forage.Thanks to the financial subsidy,farmers increased land inputs and thus outputs.To achieve long-term sustain-able development and improve rural income,the government should continuously support farmers to improve the land management,to adopt alternative land use systems,and to increase inputs on soil conservation.Vegetable and fruit production are two promise land use systems,and should be further developed.