The largest gabbroic intrusion, Jiaoziyan, in the Northern Orthogneiss of the Dabie Shan was investigated to test whether such intrusions represent are-related or collision-related magma, as postulated in recent regional tectonic models. The Jiaoziyan intrusions comprise a gabbro-monzogabbro suite and are locally characterized by cumulus textured anhydrous silicates, Petrologic indications against are magmatism include (1) coexisting olivine-plagioclase compositions beyond the documented range of are gabbros, and (2) a compositional trend of Al/Ti ratios in the gabbroic clinopyroxenes that is significantly different from subduction-related gabbros worldwide. In contrast, the Jiaoziyan rocks are mineralogically similar to rift gabbros, Geochronologic and geometric arguments against collision-related magmatism (i.e., as a consequence of slab breakoff) include the following: (1) crystallization of the Jiaoziyan mafic intrusion postdated the Triassic (245-240 Ma) subduction and peak orogenic metamorphism by similar to 100 m.y. and (2) the rocks of the Dabie Cretaceous magmatic suite, including Jiaoziyan, are on the footwall plate, rather than on the hanging wall, of the Triassic subduction-zone framework and do not show a linear distribution. These observations argue that the voluminous Early Cretaceous magmatism in the Northern Orthogneiss is geodynamically unrelated to the Qinling-Dabie orogeny, but was caused by extensional tectonism related to regional magmatic underplating beneath the thinned Dabie crust.