This paper introduces a coupled inductor (CI)-based high step-up DC-DC converter. Cascaded or quadratic DC-DC converters are the most practical solution to achieve a wide conversion ratio and reduced current ripple. The proposed structure (P1) is achieved by a combination of a base structure of two-stage boost converter with one active switch, a CI, and a voltage multiplier cell (VMC). The secondary side of the CI is placed at the output side, where it is combined with a VMC. In the proposed topology, a passive clamp consisting of a diode and a capacitor is added to minimize the voltage stress on the active switch. In addition, the passive clamp recycles the leakage energy of the CI and causes to increase the efficiency. The input source current ripple is low, and the input current is continuous, which are very suitable for renewable energy applications. Additionally, the voltage stresses on switches are less than some quadratic DC-DC boost converters that have been presented. Also, an extended topology of P1 is proposed as the second proposed converter (P2), to enhance the operation of P1. Moreover, to show the feasibility and performance of the presented converter, a laboratory prototype circuit is examined. The results accredit the theoretical analysis and experimental outcomes of the presented converter. In this paper, a novel quadratic DC-DC boost converter is proposed that contains a voltage multiplier cell (VMC) and a clamp circuit. Clamp circuit and VMC improve the efficiency. To enhance the voltage gain, some VMCs are connected in series as shown in (A). The transfer function of the converter is achieved using system identification method (SIM). Applying SIM, a seven-order transfer function is obtained, and the PID controller is designed. The converter control system is shown in (B). image