The Internet of Things (IoT) is globally distributed network systems consisting of small low-cost physical sensor nodes that can sense their environment and communicate with other nodes and computers. They are particularly used for key solutions to monitoring systems such as healthcare monitoring, environmental monitoring, and remote patient monitoring and are also preferred for their vast benefits for precision agriculture, smart building, and smart home applications. Medium Access Control (MAC) schemes are vital part of IoT systems, as the network performance metrics such as throughput, end-to-end packet delay, and energy consumption mostly depend upon the MAC scheme utilized. In this paper, a new hybrid MAC protocol called as Low-Delay Hybrid Medium Access Control (LD-HMAC) for data-gathering purposes in high-density IoT networks is presented with its models and detailed performance evaluation. In the networking application area, an unmanned aerial vehicle is considered as an access point for arranging and scheduling channel access, whereas wireless sensor nodes (IoT nodes) are considered as data-gathering elements from a dense IoT networking environment. The proposed LD-HMAC combines the strengths of both TDMA and CSMA, targeting primarily dense IoT network applications. In the development stages, first the proposed LD-HMAC protocol is designed, modeled, and evaluated analytically by using Discrete-Time Markov Chain. Second, in order to validate the analytical results of the proposed model, a simulation model was developed by using the Riverbed network simulation tool. Finally, the performance results obtained are compared to those of the corresponding MDCA and CCS models referenced in Shrestha (IEEE Trans Wirel Commun 13: 4050-4065, 2014). With respect to the end-to-end delay, the proposed LD-HMAC achieves better results than those of the MDCA and CCS models for time-critical dense IoT network applications.