The text addresses the issue of e-learning in the study of university students during the COVID-19 pandemic. The specific goal of the authors is to capture, describe and interpret how and to what extent students perceive the course of teaching mediated by e-learning. Specifically, the authors present in the study the results of their research focused on issues related to student activities during e-learning or evaluation of the positives and negatives of e-learning in comparison to "traditional" teaching. They also addressed student satisfaction with various tools for e-learning, such as MS Teams or LMS Moodle etc. The research survey is based on a quantitative approach. The authors used a self-designed questionnaire as a data collection tool. The questionnaire survey was carried out electronically in the period from November 2020 to March 2021. The respondents were students of all years of full-time and part-time bachelor study programmes Teaching of Vocational Subjects and Practical Training and Vocational Subjects Teaching provided by the Institute of Lifelong Learning of Mendel University, Brno. In total, the authors analyzed data from 302 questionnaires received. After evaluating the primary descriptive results based on absolute and relative frequencies or measures of the central tendency, the statistical significance of the relationships between the selected variables was determined, using adequate parametric and non-parametric tests. In general, the results show that the transition from "traditional" teaching to e-learning was a completely new experience for most students, which included both a positive perception of, for example, the availability of study materials, as well as several difficulties. In this regard, the difficulties included both those of a technical nature and those related to the actual implementation of teaching using e-learning.