In the complex context in which Cuba's tourism activity is developing, it is necessary to adjust the sector's management to international trends in order to increase the country's competitiveness as a destination. In recent years, it has been pointed out that there is a lack, at the country level, of studies linked to the strategic and integrated planning of the sector. In this scenario, and as part of the project: Development and Competitiveness of the Cuban tourist product, the present research is developed with the objective of designing strategic guidelines for the management of Cuban tourist destinations. In the same, a previous stage linked to the theoretical -conceptual study and the description of the elements linked to tourism in the destination was developed. Subsequently, three stages were developed using methods and techniques such as bibliographic analysis, surveys to experts and discussion groups. This made it possible to present the situational analysis of Cuba in terms of the management of its destinations, future perspectives, good practices of two of the countries that constitute direct competition, as well as to formulate a total of five strategic objectives and 30 guidelines to be taken into account for the design of strategies. The study highlights the need to recognize and assume the management of destinations from the territory.