Urban planning has, in recent years, been significantly assisted by remote sensing data. The data and techniques that are used are very diverse and are available to government agencies as well as to private companies that are involved in planning urban and peri-urban areas. Synthetic aperture radar data are particularly important since they provide information on the geometric and electrical characteristics of ground objects and, at the same time, are unaffected by sunlight (day-night) and cloud cover. SAR data are usually combined with optical data (fusion) in order to increase the reliability of the terrain information. Most of the existing relative classification methods have been reviewed. New techniques that have been developed use decorrelation and interferometry to record changes on the Earth's surface. Texture-based features, such as Markov random fields and co-occurrence matrices, are employed, among others, for terrain classification. Furthermore, target geometrical features are used for the same purpose. Among the innovative works presented in this manuscript are those dealing with tomographic SAR imaging for creating digital elevation models in urban areas. Finally, tomographic techniques and digital elevation models can render three-dimensional representations for a much better understanding of the urban region. The above-mentioned sources of information are integrated into geographic information systems, making them more intelligent. In this work, most of the previous techniques and methods are reviewed, and selected papers are highlighted in order for the reader-researcher to have a complete picture of the use of SAR in urban planning.