The first occurrence of Marasmiellomycena and Pulverulina in the Chinese mycobiota are reported, M. tomentosa and P. flavoalba , two new species and M. albodescendens , a new combination, revealed by phylogenetic analyses and morphological study. These newly-recorded genera, Marasmiellomycena , which can be distinguished by their agaricoid basidiomata, dark-coloured stipe, sarcodimitic tramal structure, stipitipellis with yellow to yellowish-brown pigments and yellow-pigmented thick-walled caulocystidia and Pulverulina , which differs from other genera of Porotheleaceae by its pruinose stipe, decurrent lamellae, inamyloid basidiospores and absence of hymenial cystidia. We also formally describe three other new species of Porotheleaceae collected from Chinese temperate to subtropical zones of Fujian and Zhejiang Provinces: Clitocybula fuscostria - ta , Gerronema brunneosquamulosum and Leucoinocybe subglobispora . Furthermore, we include the results of a phylogenetic analysis of Porotheleaceae, based on a multi-locus (ITS, nrLSU and rpb2 ) dataset. According to this analysis, Chrysomycena , Clitocybula , Delicatula , Hydropodia , Hydropus , Leucoinocybe , Marasmiellomycena , Megacollybia , Pulverulina , Trogia and Vizzinia are monophyletic. However, Gerronema is identified as polyphyletic and, additionally, Porotheleum does not form a monophyletic group either because Porotheleum parvulum and Porotheleum albidum are "unassigned" in phylogenetic analysis. The results of our phylogenetic analyses, coupled with morphological observations, confirm recognition of these new taxa. Morphological descriptions, photographs, line drawings and comparisons with closely-related taxa are presented for the new species. A key to the 22 species belonging to nine genera of Porotheleaceae in China is also provided.