Excitons, as bound states of electrons and holes, embody the solid state analog of the hydrogen atom, whose quantum spectrum is explained within a classical framework by the Bohr -Sommerfeld atomic model. In a first hydrogenlike approximation the spectra of excitons are also well described by a Rydberg series, however, due to the surrounding crystal environment deviations from this series can be observed. A theoretical treatment of excitons in cuprous oxide needs to include the band structure of the crystal, leading to a prominent fine -structure splitting in the quantum spectra. This is achieved by introducing additional spin degrees of freedom into the system, making the existence and meaningfulness of classical exciton orbits in the physical system a nontrivial question. Recently, we have uncovered the contributions of periodic exciton orbits directly in the quantum mechanical recurrence spectra of cuprous oxide [J. Ertl et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 129 ,067401 (2022)] by application of a scaling technique and fixing the energy of the classical dynamics to a value corresponding to a principle quantum number n = 5 in the hydrogenlike case. Here, we present a comprehensive derivation of the classical and semiclassical theory of excitons in cuprous oxide. In particular, we investigate the energy dependence of the exciton dynamics. Both the semiclassical and quantum mechanical recurrence spectra exhibit stronger deviations from the hydrogenlike behavior with decreasing energy, which is related to a growing influence of the spin-orbit coupling and thus a higher velocity of the secular motion of the exciton orbits. The excellent agreement between semiclassical and quantum mechanical exciton recurrence spectra demonstrates the validity of the classical and semiclassical approach to excitons in cuprous oxide.