The present paper deals with the triple weights pseudotensor formulation of multivariant thermoelasticity for acentric isotropic micropolar solids. The fundamental concepts of pseudoinvariant volume/area/arc elements of odd integer weights in three-dimensional spaces are discussed. The developed theory of acentric isotropic micropolar thermoelasticity is formulated in terms of contravariant pseudovector of spinor displacements having positive odd algebraic weight and covariant absolute vector of translational displacements. Three energetic forms (H), (E), and (A) of thermoelasticity potential are proposed. The latter is derived from the irreducible system of algebraic invarinats/pseudoinvariants being actually their linear span with coefficients thus allowing us to introduce the conventional thermoelasticity moduli (shear modulus of elasticity, Poisson's ratio, characteristic nano/microlength, etc.). For others energetic forms thermoelasticity anisotropic micropolar (E) moduli are determined via (A) moduli and then (H) moduli are found in terms of (A) moduli. The triple weights formulation of multivariant constitutive equations for acentric isotropic thermoelastic solid are obtained and analyzed. A comparison of proposed multivariant constitutive equations elucidates the absolute invariance of Poisson's ratio, i.e., it insensibility to mirror reflections and prohibition of assigning any algebraic weight to this constitutive scalar.