The sounds of science-a symphony for many instruments and voices: part II

't Hooft, Gerard [1 ]
Phillips, William D. [2 ]
Zeilinger, Anton [3 ,4 ]
Allen, Roland [5 ]
Baggott, Jim [6 ]
Bouchet, Francois R. [6 ]
Cantanhede, Solange M. G. [7 ]
Castanedo, Lazaro A. M. [8 ,9 ]
Maria Cetto, Ana [10 ]
Coley, Alan A. [11 ]
Dalton, Bryan J. [12 ]
Fahimi, Peyman [8 ,13 ]
Franks, Sharon [14 ]
Frano, Alex [14 ]
Fry, Edward S. [5 ]
Goldfarb, Steven [15 ,16 ]
Langanke, Karlheinz [17 ,18 ]
Matta, Cherif F. [8 ,9 ,13 ,19 ]
Nanopoulos, Dimitri [5 ]
Orzel, Chad [20 ]
Patrick, Sam [21 ,22 ]
Sanghai, Viraj A. A. [11 ]
Schuller, Ivan K. [14 ]
Shpyrko, Oleg [14 ]
Lidstrom, Suzy [5 ]
[1] Univ Utrecht, IVLOS, POB 80-089, NL-3508 TB Utrecht, Netherlands
[2] Univ Maryland, Joint Quantum Inst, Natl Inst Stand & Technol, Gaithersburg, MD USA
[3] Univ Vienna, Fac Phys, Vienna Ctr Quantum Sci & Technol VCQ, Boltzmanngasse 5, Vienna, Austria
[4] Inst Quantum Opt & Quantum Informat IQOQI, Austrian Acad Sci, Boltzmanngasse 3, Vienna, Austria
[5] Texas A&M Univ, Dept Phys & Astron, College Stn, TX 77843 USA
[6] Univ Sorbonne, Inst Astrophys Paris, CNRS, 98 Bis Blvd Arago, F-75014 Paris, France
[7] Brazilian Psychoanal Space EBEP, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
[8] Mt St Vincent Univ, Dept Chem & Phys, Halifax, NS, Canada
[9] St Marys Univ, Dept Chem, Halifax, NS, Canada
[10] Univ Nacl Autonoma Mexico, Inst Fis, Ciudad Univ, Mexico City, Mexico
[11] Dalhousie Univ, Dept Math & Stat, Halifax, NS, Canada
[12] Swinburne Univ Technol, Ctr Quantum Sci & Technol Theory, Melbourne, Vic 3122, Australia
[13] Univ Laval, Dept Chim, Quebec City, PQ G1V 086, Canada
[14] Univ Calif San Diego, La Jolla, CA USA
[15] Univ Melbourne, Sch Phys, Grattan St, Parkville, Vic 3010, Australia
[16] ATLAS Expt, Espl Particules 1, CH-1211 Meyrin, Switzerland
[17] GSI Helmholtzzentrum Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Germany
[18] Tech Univ Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
[19] Dalhousie Univ, Dept Chem, Halifax, NS, Canada
[20] Union Coll, Phys & Astron Dept, 807 Union St, Schenectady, NY 11794 USA
[21] Univ British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
[22] Texas A&M Univ, Inst Quantum Sci & Engn, College Stn, TX USA
quantum mechanics; dark energy; quantum optics; fundamental physics; high energy theory; astrophysics; biophysics; information theory; HOMOGENEOUS COSMOLOGICAL MODELS; GENERAL-RELATIVITY; ENERGY EQUIVALENCE; INFORMATION-THEORY; QUANTUM-MECHANICS; BELL INEQUALITY; SONIC ANALOG; BLACK-HOLES; R-PROCESS; BRAIN;
O4 [物理学];
0702 ;
Despite its amazing quantitative successes and contributions to revolutionary technologies, physics currently faces many unsolved mysteries ranging from the meaning of quantum mechanics to the nature of the dark energy that will determine the future of the Universe. It is clearly prohibitive for the general reader, and even the best informed physicists, to follow the vast number of technical papers published in the thousands of specialized journals. For this reason, we have asked the leading experts across many of the most important areas of physics to summarise their global assessment of some of the most important issues. In lieu of an extremely long abstract summarising the contents, we invite the reader to look at the section headings and their authors, and then to indulge in a feast of stimulating topics spanning the current frontiers of fundamental physics from 'The Future of Physics' by William D Phillips and 'What characterises topological effects in physics?' by Gerard 't Hooft through the contributions of the widest imaginable range of world leaders in their respective areas. This paper is presented as a preface to exciting developments by senior and young scientists in the years that lie ahead, and a complement to the less authoritative popular accounts by journalists.
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