The first cleavage in the freshwater oligochaete Tubifex hattai is unequal and meridional, and produces a smaller cell AB and a larger cell CD. This study traces the process of furrow formation, reorganization of cortical F-actin and the assembly of a mitotic apparatus during this unequal division. Cleavage furrow formation consists of two stages: (i) when eggs are viewed from the animal pole, meridionally running furrows emerge at two points of the egg's equator that are 90 degrees apart from each other and approach the egg axis as they deepen; and (ii) at the midpoint between the equator and the egg center, the bottoms of these furrows link to each other on the animal and vegetal surfaces of the egg and form a continuous ring of constriction in a plane parallel to the egg axis. Egg cortices, isolated during the first step and stained with rhodamine-phalloidin, show that the bottoms of recently formed furrows are underlaid by a belt of tightly packed actin bundles (i.e. a contractile are). The transition to the second stage of furrow formation coincides with the conversion of these actin belts into a continuous ring of F-actin. Whole-mount immunocytochemistry of microtubules reveals that the first cleavage in Tubifex involves an asymmetric mitotic spindle, which initially possesses an aster at one pole but not the other. This 'monastral' spindle is located at the egg's center and orients itself perpendicular to the egg axis. During anaphase, astral rays elongate to reach the cell surface, so that the array of astral microtubules in the plane of the egg's equator covers a sector of 270-300 degrees. In contrast, it is not until the transition to telophase that microtubules emanating from the anastral spindle pole approach the cell margin. If eggs are compressed along the egg axis or forced to elongate, they form monastral spindles and divide unequally. In living compressed eggs, mitotic spindles, which are recognizable as bright streaks at the egg's center, appear not to shift their position along the spindle axis during division, suggesting that without eccentric migration of spindles Tubifex eggs are able to divide unequally. These results suggest that mechanisms that translocate the mitotic spindle eccentrically do not operate in Tubifex eggs during the first cell cycle. The mechanisms that generate asymmetry in spindle organization are discussed in the light of the present results.