Geographical isolation and climatic constraints are responsible for the low biodiversity and structural simplicity of the antarctic terrestrial ecosystem Under projected scenarios of global change, both limiting factors may be released. Alien species immigration is likely to be facilitated as modified ocean and atmospheric circulation introduce exotic water- and air-borne propagules from neighboring continents. Elevated temperature, UV radiation, CO2, and precipitation will combine additively and synergistically to favor new trajectories of community development. It can be predicted that existing patterns of colonization, recruitment, succession, phenology and mortality will be perturbed with concomitant effects for ecosystem function through changes in biomass, trophodynamics, nutrient cycling, and resource partitioning. Soil propagule banks will play an important role through founder effects. Uniquely in Antarctica, many of the short-term consequences of global change will depend on the ecophysiological relationships of cryptogamic plants. However, in the long term, climatic warming will favor an increase in phanerogamic biomass since these species are currently excluded by the low cumulative degree-days > 0 degrees C. It has been suggested that antarctic communities may be particularly vulnerable to global change: Their slow rate of development and restricted gene flow limit response to new conditions. However, vulnerability must be defined with respect to both the direction and rate of change and it is likely that some perturbations will enhance the complexity and productivity of the biota, with negative feedback to the global carbon cycle. The chapter concludes with a discussion of institutional issues surrounding this topic.