The paper presents results of studying mechanisms applicable to evaluating performance efficiency of the executive authorities in one of the Russian Federation regions - Samara oblast - involved in organizing delivery of social services, which includes review of normative documents containing methodological deliberation and guidelines on conducting the monitoring. The indicators, which use in monitoring, shall be compatible with the following requirements: in calculating the indicators numerical values, applicable shall be the data of governmental statistical accounting or information collected in the course of carrying out official evaluation procedures; in calculating the indicators, applicable shall be easily verifiable information collected as a result of responses of the social services territorial management entities to inquiries of higher-level authorities; the use of indicators shall not imply interpretation of the collected information. It also important to substitute indicators that require additional interpretation for indicators that are supposed to demonstrate the immediate result of the public authority body's activity; such indicators have to be able of impacting the public administration body's activity in the event of using them in the monitoring patterns. (c) AIMI Journals