Studies (ALMEIDA, 2008; COSTA, 2007; JONASSEN, 2000; KURTZ, 2015) have placed the role of educational technologies side by side to historical and legal issues in the field, questioning the emphasis given to the equipping of schools and instrumental use of technologies that lead students to learn only "about" but not "with" these technologies without greater pedagogical and social concerns. Having Vygotskian social-historical approach as theoretical support (VIGOTSKI, 2007; 2008), the main objective of this research is to verify how technologies are designed in official documents that guide education and language teacher education in Brazil and Portugal. For this purpose, a qualitative research based on discourse textual analysis (MORAES & GALIAZZI, 2011) was carried out in a process of textual unitarization and categorization. Results suggest contact and distance elements between the laws, with quite peculiar developments in both countries, showing that these documents should be deeply known and discussed by teachers so that technologies are part of language teacher education not only because it is a legal obligation, but also an educational and emancipatory need, consistent with teaching and learning conception adopted.