Technology has a potentially rich, but largely unrealized, role in teaching and learning. This role is defined variously by what the teacher has available, has had time to learn, or can find an appropriate use for, and by what students have access to, are familiar with, and are willing to use. In all of these ways, technology usually plays an adjunct role to others, more traditional modalities for teaching and learning, including lecture, laboratory, library, textbook, tutorial, and practicum. Researchers perceive problems arising from the significant cultural and organizational differences affecting the management and leadership environment of the education institutions integrating technology in relation to traditional higher education institutions. The study describes and analyzes the culture effects in higher education organizations and supports the view that transformational leadership, collaboration and the classroom culture are three major characteristics of change in higher education institutions, where integrating technology is considered as a way to help the university to be a more effective learning organization. The problem is approached by analyzing and evaluating the scientific literature for the development of the methodological basis of research. The article includes theoretical analysis of topical issues, like definitions of organization culture, interaction of the culture of education institutions and achievement, efficient ingredients of school culture as well as some important aspects of school culture.