teaching can be stressful and, it may result in teachers' burnout, if one ne fails to manage it. high level of emotional exhaustion and personllization,and low levels of personal accomplishment are the major factors of burnout (maslach, 1999). there is a plethora of research in different context with inconsistent findings but the present study to ascertain the level of burnout among primary and secondary school teachers in malaysia. besides,, the study tried to determine if there was any significant difference between primary and secondary school teachers in their burnout level. 1136 malaysian english language teachers were randomly selected and participated in the study. the maslach burnout inventory educators survey (MBI-ES) (maslach, jacks&schwab, 1986) wa used to collect the data on the teachers' burnout. descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were used to analyze the data. the findings showed that the teachers experienced average level of burnout. in addition, it was found that the secondary scholars teachers experienced signnificantly higher level of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization. the study is expected to have useful implications for teachers, aministraturs,and researchers.