Many residues involved in polymorphic antibody-binding epitopes on class II molecules are located on the alpha-helix of DR beta chains. Although they have received less attention, residues in the peptide-binding groove and second domain of the DR beta chain may also be critical for polymorphic anti-DR antibody epitopes. In this study, we used transfectants expressing site-directed mutations at positions in the HLA-DR beta(1) and beta(2) domains and flow cytometry to define the epitopes of several polymorphic anti-DR antibodies. Both DR(beta 1*0403) residues 14 and 25 were shown to be involved in the epitopes of mAbs DA6. 164, HU-20, Q5/6, and 50D6, and DR(beta 1*0701) residue 14 was shown to be critical for the epitopes of two DR7-specific mAbs, SFR16-DR7M and TAL13.1. Unlike most other residues shown to be important in antibody-binding epitopes, residue 14 is located in the floor of the peptide-binding groove and residue 25 is in an outer loop, each with their side chains pointing down, such chat antibodies may directly contact these residues from below the binding groove. Two residues in the beta(2) domain, beta 180 and beta 181, were also shown to be involved in the epitopes of three polymorphic anti-DR mAbs, NFLD.D1, NFLD.M1, and LY9. Although these two residues are close to the transmembrane domain in the linear sequence, their solvent accessibility in the DR1 structures is quite impressive. Our data provide new evidence that residues accessible under the peptide-binding groove contribute to polymorphic antibody-binding epitopes.